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Chinese translation for "application air power approach"


Related Translations:
approach approach:  一再锻炼的人
approach:  vt.1.向…接近,走近;使接近。2.探讨;看待,对待,处理。3.向…接洽[提议]。4.〔美国〕企图收买。短语和例子approach one's home 快到家。 approach completion 将近完成。 It is wrong to approach a problem from a metaphysical point of view. 用形而上学的观点来看
approaching:  快速充能
approaches:  走进;方法,途径
air approaches approach:  进场挣空区
application:  n.1.适用,应用;运用。2.申请,请求;申请表格。3.勤勉,用功。4.敷用;敷用药。短语和例子a written application 申请书。 an application for admission (to a school) 入学申请。 fill out an application 填写申请表。 He shows very little application
applications:  留学申请相关入学申请申请区应用领域主动式文件应用程序
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